Last week Marc and I took Mallory on her first vacation to the beach. We loaded up the car and headed out on our 11+ hour adventure to Topsail, NC. Along with us, Aunt Lori, Uncle Mike, Cousin Ivan, Aunt Kelly, and Grandma and Grandpa Preston came along. We had a wonderful week full of sunny days, sand, salt water, and sunburns.
Mallory travelled well, thanks to the portable DVD player that looped Baby Einstein. We caravaned down there and arrived late Saturday night. The next day we went to the beach for the first time and Mallory seemed quite content there. She just sat in her tent picking up fist fulls of sand and throwing them. A giant sandbox for her to play with! When we took her to the shores edge and put her feet in the water, she shivered but seemed fine. However, the following trips to the beach, she was quite afraid of the water. She was fine as long as she was in Mommy or Daddy's arms while we stood in the water. She was mesmerized by the waves and the water hitting the sand on shore. Cousin Ivan was quite afraid of the water at first, but by our second trip to the beach he was out on a sandbar in Daddy and Mommy's arms. Mallory and I watched from the shore and waved.
I will say taking children to the beach is quite a lot of work! It is amazing how much you have to pack and account for. I know that Aunt Lori and Uncle Mike spent most of their time at the beach chasing Ivan as he chased seagulls! All in all we had a great memorable vacation and can't wait until next time. Enjoy the video, there were too many pictures to post!