Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hats, hats, hats!

My wonderful friend Jen is an AMAZING crocheter and per my request, she crocheted some adorable hats for Mallory. I had to show them off because I think they are adorable, warm, and so cute. Behold the apple hat and birthday cupcake hat!

Mallory's One!

I know I am a little behind, but the month of January has been a little crazy for the Poland household. First and foremost, Mallory turned one on January 2nd! I cannot believe my little girl is already one year old. I remember after having her, that everyone told me that the time flies and enjoy it while she is young, but I never took it seriously. A whole year is gone. Unbelievable. A year of so much excitement, milestones, giggles, and challenges. The first year of Mallory's life has been such a huge eye opener for our family. It is unreal how you suddenly go from living for yourself to living for your child. Mallory has made Marc and I so happy over this past year and we can't wait for all the many more years to come. Not only has she lightened up our lives, but I have learned so much from this little girl and I have learned so much in this year, I never expected that.

Thank you to all our family and friends who have supported us throughout this amazing ride so far. Thank you for your patience and kindness. And most of all, thank you being a part of our little girls life.

Happy Birthday Mallory! Mommy and Daddy love you so much.
The morning of Mallory's birthday. Waking up to the balloons may have been more exciting then the party itself!
Mommy and Mallory
Ivan was there to help Mallory open her presents. She lost interest pretty quickly.
What you looking at?
hmmm...let's try this...
Mom! Where have you been hiding this delicious treat all my life??