This is a bittersweet installment of Mid-Week Memories. This was Aunt Lori's last Wednesday on maternity leave. It was nice always having someone to play with on Wednesdays to keep me company and to wear out Mallory. Not to mention it was nice for the cousins to see each other and play every week.
This week we met at McDonalds for breakfast and followed it up with Ice cream at Greaters. It was an incredibly healthy morning. Aunt Kelly joined us as well for our calorie excursion. After breakfast we went outside to play on the playground. This particular playground, although fun, was more geared toward the bigger kids. There was a narrow enclosed staircase that lead up to the top of the structure and the only way to get down was the big enclosed slide or the stairs. Although confident, Mallory is not capable to go down stairs on her own yet and the slide scared her. So...mommy had to crouch down and climb the stairwell that was made for 3ft children, not a 5'6 grown up. Once in this fun house, I was bent over and trying to keep my head from hitting the ceiling. Ivan's voice would echo from all different directions as he ran around enjoying himself. Mallory was happy, but standing still unsure of where to go next. I finally coaxed her to go down the slide. It took some convincing but, miraculously as soon as we got down, she ran right up the stairwell again.
Graeters was a little more Mallory-sized. Ivan and her had a really great time eating ice cream (in the morning) and playing in the play room. Ivan particularly enjoyed the large banana teeter totter and Aunt Kelly was his teeter partner.
Meanwhile, little Everett was content and happy in mommy's arms. He has such an expressive face and he has so many faces every time I see him he looks like he has grown so much.
After a nap at home, Mallory had her 18 month check up and got her last round of shots until she is 4 or 5! So exciting. She did great and reported the following stats:
off the charts in height
55th percentile for head circumference
50th percentile for weight
Until next time...

After a light morning snack before going to McDonalds. Just lounging.

Inside the playground

There he is!

Not real sure about going down the slide...

Hi Everett!

While Teetor Tottering

Surprised to see me?

Goof ball!