In efforts to keep our sanity, Aunt Lori and I decided that we were going to try and help each other out once a month by taking one anothers kids for the day and allowing a day for ourselves with our husbands. It is a nice swap because we get the time we need while the other gets quality time with our nephews/niece. Being that we used to practically be down the street from each other, this was never an issue. However, early 2009, the lomax's moved about 35 -40 mins away from where they were. Because of this (and just plain crazy schedules) I don't get to squeeze my nephew's as much as I would like.
So, this was my day with Ivan, Everett, & Mallory. Although tiring it was a blast. We played tickle monster, we had a dance party, and somehow we invented a game called "tackle aunt Kristen." I love every second with those boys and Mallory does too. She gets so excited when we pull into their neighborhood exclaiming "Mommy! Mike, Warie, I..." She isn't very good at saying "Ivan" just yet, so she took it upon herself to shorten it to "I" or "I an." I am not sure when "Everett" will be said. Right now he is just "baby."
We may not be able to do this again until after the holidays, but when we do, I can't wait.

Eating lunch. Ivan decided he did not need a spoon for his yogurt.

Everett checking out his cousin Mallory. They spent a lot of time playing on the floor next to each other and Mallory was very gentle and good with him. Thank goodness...

This was their snack right after our dance party. I put on some cartoons and gave them an apple and they were zonked out!

Little Ev. So sweet.