Monday, November 15, 2010

Herschel-James Photography

My ever so talented cousin and her boyfriend started their own photography company They do a great job capturing moments through photography and therefore I had to share. Recently, we asked them to take some family photos of both the Morley and the Poland sides of the family and they turned out great. Prepare yourselves, I posted a lot of photos documenting our time with them. These are some of my favorites, but I could have even posted a lot more.


When the cats away...the mice will play!

In efforts to keep our sanity, Aunt Lori and I decided that we were going to try and help each other out once a month by taking one anothers kids for the day and allowing a day for ourselves with our husbands. It is a nice swap because we get the time we need while the other gets quality time with our nephews/niece. Being that we used to practically be down the street from each other, this was never an issue. However, early 2009, the lomax's moved about 35 -40 mins away from where they were. Because of this (and just plain crazy schedules) I don't get to squeeze my nephew's as much as I would like.

So, this was my day with Ivan, Everett, & Mallory. Although tiring it was a blast. We played tickle monster, we had a dance party, and somehow we invented a game called "tackle aunt Kristen." I love every second with those boys and Mallory does too. She gets so excited when we pull into their neighborhood exclaiming "Mommy! Mike, Warie, I..." She isn't very good at saying "Ivan" just yet, so she took it upon herself to shorten it to "I" or "I an." I am not sure when "Everett" will be said. Right now he is just "baby."

We may not be able to do this again until after the holidays, but when we do, I can't wait.

Eating lunch. Ivan decided he did not need a spoon for his yogurt.
Everett checking out his cousin Mallory. They spent a lot of time playing on the floor next to each other and Mallory was very gentle and good with him. Thank goodness...
This was their snack right after our dance party. I put on some cartoons and gave them an apple and they were zonked out!
Little Ev. So sweet.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween 2010

On Beggar's night this year, the world cowered at the sight of the horrific, terrifying, DUCKY! All must beware of her violent fits, her unruly mood swings, and her adamant refusal of all things candy!

This year I was very much hoping that Mallory would get into Halloween and Trick or Treat. I was wrong. She really didn't understand the concept and was very confused by the whole door to door, say "trick or treat," and collect candy. She got very upset when anyone tried to put candy in her Hello Kitty basket, exclaiming "mommy, no!"

She rode along in the wagon just watching as all the other children went from door to door collecting their candy. She would get out of the wagon from time to time, scope out the situation and then return eagerly ready for her wagon ride. Apparently that was more exciting then anything else. I am pretty sure next year things will click, but until then here are some pictures of the terrifying ducky on Beggar's night.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Polka Dot Pants, Striped Shirt, & Black Flats.

I know these pictures are not that good, but I had to share. I think the title says it all...need I say more??

The Ranger

I have made an effortless decision as a parent. A decision that most would say does take a lot of effort, one that is of the utmost important in an adolescents life - but not for me, Mallory made it easy. This decision is this; on Mallory's 16th birthday she will not be getting a car, she will be getting a Ranger.

The Ranger is best described as a supped up golf cart with the capability of hauling cargo. It has off-road tires and a small cargo bed in the back for carting around whatever large cargo you feel necessary. It also goes much faster then a golf cart and in turn can be somewhat of a small adrenaline rush considering how small it is. In addition, it is Mallory's favorite thing about going to Grandma & Grandpa Sach's.

Once arriving at their house, she almost immediately heads to the garage and takes it upon herself to not only climb in, but to climb into the drivers seat complete with hands on the wheel. I really do think we spent the majority of our several hours there riding in the Ranger just to appease her. However, when glancing down at her little face as the wind was hitting it from the speed, it was impossible not to smile. Her eyes lit up and her teeth were showing the entire time she was in the Ranger.

I wonder if Grandma and Grandpa would sell it to us for her 16th birthday....?