After running out of excuses to put it off, the dreaded day finally reared it's lovely head. A day we had been preparing for (as much as possible) in the Poland household, the day that the Binky Fairy comes and takes away all the binkys for little baby girls and boys that need them.
This was something we tried to get Mallory ready for by explaining that she was big girl and that she needed to get ready to give her binkys to babies that needed them. She would sometimes humor me by saying "Okay Mommy," nodding her head, and then scampering along her merry way.
However, the time had come and after her well visit to the doctor, I decided we were doing it the following weekend. After a short conversation with the doctor about her very obvious binky effected teeth, I got some advice from her and decided now or never. Thanks to a great suggestion by Aunt Lori, we prepared a box for the binkys and had Mallory decorate it for the Binky Fairy. She was very excited and got very into the idea of giving her binkys to the fairy in exchange for a gift.
The first two days were difficult and just recently she stopped asking for her bink when laying down to sleep. However, the whole process wasn't too horrible considering how dependent she was on them. When waking up the next morning she immediately asked to go see what the fairy had brought and was extremely excited to find a dolphin balloon and a set of play-dough. Needless to say, we had to play with the play-dough before breakfast. That's okay, it was worth it :)
Decorating the box....