At two months old (well, slightly over) Mallory was due for her check up and her first round of vaccinations. It seems that I had been dreading this moment since I found out I was pregnant. Well, this moment along with her first date, graduation day, and the day she moves out of the house. I left work, drove quickly but carefully home, picked up Mallory and headed to the Doctor's office. Marc met us in the parking lot before we went in. I required he be there since I knew this was going to be harder on me then it was on her. I needed the additional support. Her stats and check up went great. She is in the 70th percentile for head circumference, 90th percentile for height (23.5 inches) and 50th percentile for weight (10 lbs.) The Doctor said that she was holding her head up extremely well and was able to witness her attempt at rolling over. Apparently she is ahead of the game on that. She hasn't made it over yet, but can roll herself up from her back to her side.
Then came the shots. They did them quickly and there was a slight delay in reaction on Mallory's face. She was fine and then all of the sudden it was a cry unlike any of the others. The cry of pain. Almost instantaneously I was crying. Thank goodness daddy was there to keep us calm. I will say after she calmed down, she was just fine. No crankiness or fever, just her normal self. She smiled, ate, and went to bed without any complaints. Now, let's just hope next time I can control my tears and then everything should be okay.
1 comment:
That was the worst day for us too. Well, me at least.
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