Day one wasn't too action packed, but still significant. We woke up on Friday and packed up the car to get on the road. Not completely certain of how Mallory would be in the car, Marc and I were a little on edge and anxious to get going. We were trying very hard to time it perfectly with her morning nap. We ended up getting on the road slightly before her nap time - around 8:20 AM. To our astonishment, Mallory did very well in the car for our 6 hour trip. She slept most of the time and truly only got cranky when she was hungry. We actually had to stop more for us then her! Thank goodness because driving with a cranky baby is no fun.
We arrived around 4:00 Chicago time, and after unpacking and feeding Mallory real quick we went out to "the Fireplace" to sit, relax, and decide what to do that night. We ended up going to a really nice Italian dinner and sat outside on the patio. Mallory was passed around the table until she inevitably got tired and after cuddling with daddy, fell asleep in her stroller. Once we got home, it was a quick and easy transition to the pack and play and she was out like a light. That was day one. Day two to come.
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