The 4th of July has always been a busy holiday for me. Growing up there was the parade, cookout at Grandma's, followed by the fireworks. It was always a day jam packed with things to do and see. The following day, we usually also have a cookout at my mother's as well. This year we did all of those things, with the exception of the parade. I went back and fourth about whether or not we should get up and go to the parade, but in the end decided that may be too much for Mallory in one day and decided to try for it next year.
Grandma's cookout was wonderful. Uncle Dan made fabulous gourmet burgers, Mallory got to play with the doggies, and it turned out to be a beautiful day for pictures and a swim. Sorry for the picture overload, but there were so many good ones it was hard for me to choose!
This year, was the second year in our family tradition of seeing the fireworks with Aunt Lori, Uncle Mike, and Cousin Ivan. Last year was Ivan's first time seeing the fireworks and Mallory was still in my belly. At the time, Ivan was almost 8 months old and we were not sure how he would react to the loud noise in the sky. Surprisingly, Ivan slept through the entire show. Lori was trying to wake him up just to get a reaction!
This year was Mallory's turn. We decided to go to the Dublin fireworks as we were able to go to Marc's work to view them. This way, if Mallory didn't like them, we could get out easy and quickly as our car was close by and it wasn't too crowded. However, there was no need. Mallory was awake and watched for the first five minutes or so and then nodded off not to wake again. Even during the finale when the fireworks were the loudest, she still remained sound asleep.
Ivan, however, LOVED them. He sat in his stroller pointing in the sky studying them each time they exploded. He even looked at us a couple of times exclaiming "Look! Look!" while pointing into the air. It was as if he didn't think we could see them or we didn't know what was going on. He was adorable. We had a great time and can't wait to see how they both are next year.
The cook out at Great Grandma's was enjoyable and relaxing. Mallory got to swing on the big swing, nap outside, and visit with her extended family. Marc and I stuffed our face with way too much food and wanted to doze off with her as she took her naps. However, before we stuffed ourselves silly, we did manage to get some great shots of Mallory in her red, white, and blue dress.
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