Monday, December 27, 2010

Ivan's 3rd Birthday

Way behind on the blog...a lot has happened, a lot of things to post, starting with little man Ivan's 3rd birthday. It is so crazy to me that this little boy is already three. Where did the time go? Ivan was the first nephew I ever had and is one of the most amazing little boys. He has so much wonderful energy and has turned out to be such a nice and caring little man.

On his 3rd birthday, complete with Robot theme, he embraced all the people there celebrating the joy of his birth. He played, ate cake, and tore through his presents at a rapid pace. He is so happy and full of life, it is almost tiring to watch him sometimes :) I know that Mallory adores her cousin Ivan, always asking "mommy, I-an?" as she points at all the pictures of him around the house. Thank you Ivan for being such a good big cousin for Mallory and such a good little role model. I know she looks up to you and enjoys every moment with you. Can't wait for many more birthday's to come.

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