Monday, May 24, 2010

Water Table Giggles

It has finally started to warm up here. You can feel summer creeping up on you and it is a great feeling. Time to break out the shorts, tee shirts, and sun tan lotion. This weekend Marc and I loaded Mallory in the car along with some home cooked Penne and headed out to the Lomax's to visit with everyone including the newest addition, Everett.

We brought dinner, because let's face it - when there is a new baby in the house and you are up and down all night, who wants to cook? We visited with Aunt Lori and Uncle Mike, held baby Everett and enjoyed watching Mallory and Ivan play.

Ivan has a water table set out in the back yard and it was full and ready to go when we got there. Needless to say, it was empty by the time we left. I also think we will need to purchase one of these water table just to see more of the many smiles and giggles that spread across their little faces. Ivan and Mallory splashed each other over and over and right when we would get ready to tell them to stop, we could see the huge smiles on their faces and heard the giggling that went along with it.

Meanwhile, baby Everett laid quietly and barley made a peep. What a good little boy he is. Ivan used to always fuss when I held him, but not baby Everett. Perhaps this time, I have a little more experience holding the little ones....that always helps. Mommy and Daddy are doing well and look great - not that there was any doubt they wouldn't be. Can't wait for more summer evenings with BBQs and water tables.

Lizzy's Birthday

There is nothing like a child's Birthday party to make you appreciate the day you were born. Lizzy is Mallory's sitters daughter and she had a fantastic birthday full of Fancy Nancie's and G.I. Joe's. There was wonderful food, lots of fun outside, and even crafts. Even Mallory got to decorate her very own bag with stickers and glitter.

I think that Lizzy had a great time blowing out the candles and opening her many gifts. Mallory had some trouble understanding why all these kids were at her sitter's house, playing with her weekday toys, but the overwhelming amount of new kids and faces proved fun and exhausting for her.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Everett James, Born May 15, 2010.

Welcome the newest addition to the family! Sweet little bundle of joy, Everett James was born May 15, 2010 at 1:02 pm. Mommy, Daddy, and big brother are doing well and we are so happy and excited to welcome Everett into the world. Mallory now has two boy cousins to show her the ropes. I am sure it will be hard for her to keep up with them, but she is a strong little lady and I know she will enjoy every second with her cousins.

Lori had been experiencing a lot of contractions the weeks leading up to Everett arriving, but on Saturday morning it was time to make the trip to the hospital. She did great and after the birth you couldn't even tell that she had just welcomed a new baby into the world.

We are going to let them get settled at home, but there will be many more pictures to come. We took plenty in the hospital, and here are a few to enjoy.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mid-Week Memories 05/13/2010

Play date with Liam! Wednesday we went over to Liam's house for a play date and had a great time. Mallory and Liam play so well together and believe it or not, were very good at sharing. Mallory loved playing with new toys, especially Liam's train. The kids ran through the house cracking each other up as well as cracking us up.

When it was time to leave, we said good bye and Liam proceeded to give everyone in the room a fist bump (including Mallory, even though she had no clue what it meant or how to do it.) The kids also gave one another the sweetest, most gentle hug, I was SO mad that I didn't have my camera ready. This hug was even complete with a a pat on the back, courtesy of Mallory.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Uncle Mike's Birthday

April is a month that is full of birthdays in our family. Uncle Mike had a birthday on 04/28 and we got together on Saturday to celebrate.

After our fun evening, I sat down on my computer and unloaded all the pictures from the night. It turns out that we spent most of Mike's birthday trying to stage a portrait of Ivan and Mallory that went terribly wrong. So, needless to say, all of the pictures are of the kids. However, I think that is okay, because they are some cute kids :)

I went in full knowing I wanted to get a picture of Lori, Mike, and Ivan on Mike's birthday and ended up with a bunch of pictures of irritated toddlers as we tried to place them together for a picture. Maybe next year??

They did turn out quite funny...

Grandpa Morley's Birthday

My dad's birthday was April,26, but last Thursday was the first time we could all get together to celebrate. Debbie had us all over to her house to eat pizza, cake and celebrate Grandpa.

This was the first time we had been to Debbie's house and Mallory enjoyed every second of it. It was a new place with uncovered ground and she loved running into every room while pointing at exclaiming with joy "HI" or "DUCKY" or just plain "AHHH!" The best part of Debbie's house was of course the collection of different sporting balls on the back porch. balls...lacrosse balls...even the dogs toy balls. She emptied out the ball bucket too many times to count.

Uncle Dan spent some quality time with Mallory in the back yard while I got a tour of the house and when it was time to come in for cake, she didn't complain.

Happy Birthday Grandpa!