Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Mother's Day 2011 was awesome, couldn't ask for more. I woke up and spent the day with my family, including a nap with Mallory on the couch. Prior to napping, however, we did go to Aunt Lori & Uncle Mike's for some yummy food and some play time in the yard. It was chilly, but the sun did decide to show it's face late morning and it turned out to be a really nice day. Just for us mom's :) While playing outside we colored a giant cardboard house, did a little gardening and happened upon the dumbest frog I have ever seen. This frog, although quite cute was repeatedly bothered by Ivan and Mallory and still continued to come back for more. It had more than enough chances to take off, but instead - it just sat there waiting for the attention of a two and three year old. Oh well, at least the kids were entertained.

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